EVMD Regular Meeting 8/15/2024 Recap
This is an unofficial summary of the Aug.15, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the EagleVail Metropolitan District produced by EVMD Communications staff. A draft of the minutes will be posted to the EVMD website once they are composed.
Board members present: McGuire, Hopkins, Laughlin, Barcza, Copeland
Public Comment:
- Michael Pascal gave an update on a very busy summer of both open play and clinic participation. A group of pickleball players hosted AED training courses. He also suggested a few court improvements for Board consideration.
- Audrey Franklin, a part-time EagleVail resident made a signage request to ensure signage consistency and clarity throughout the neighborhood.
- Eagle County Commissioner candidate Gregg Cooper introduced himself and his campaign for the November election. Visit https://cooper4eaglecounty.com for more information.
- Gary Barnett shared forest health and beetle kill suggestions, as well as expressed concerns about the EagleVail Trail extension.
- Anna Mattingly gave the EVMD a petition with 235 names opposing the approved EagleVail Trail extension.
- Madeleine Berenson made comments expressing concerns with EVMD board decision-making and what is in the best interest of the community including the newly approved EagleVail Trail extension
- Chair Tim McGuire made the following clarification statements:
Over the past year, the EagleVail Trail extension was discussed at no less than three public board meetings; the U.S. Forest Service conducted a thorough and public analysis that took wildlife and wildfire concerns into consideration, and included a public comment period; all neighborhoods throughout the Vail Valley with Forest Service trails adjacent to private property have not experienced the concerns expressed by West End homeowners about the EagleVail Trail extension. McGuire feels confident that between the EVMD board and staff review, the FS analysis, and the efforts carried out by the Vail Valley Mountain Trails Alliance (VVMTA) will ensure a positive experience by all trail users, our neighborhood and the
greater community that is allowed access to the public trail. Usage isestimated at 25 people a day.
Discussion Regarding E-Bikes, Unauthorized Motorized Vehicles
Due to safety concerns and damage occurring to outdoor amenities, board decision (5-0) to ban e-bikes and all unauthorized motorized vehicles on EagleVail Metro District property, namely parks and the golf courses, and to post signage in these areas.
• McDowell Engineering presented new ideas for traffic calming measures in light of Eagle County’s recently completed milling and overlay project that resulted in a few extra inches of roadway obtained in the repaving.
The board supports proposed advisory bike lane striping and signage along Deer Blvd. and Stone Creek Drive, and intersection safety improvements at Eagle Road and Eagle Drive. The board asked staff to test the intersection safety improvements for a few weeks with school back in session, as well as communicate the proposed improvements and intent with the community to receive any input.
In thinking about additional signage, greater consideration of an enhanced, consolidated signage program should be explored.
• Town of Avon representatives presented areas they are studying for annexation, including EagleVail business district parcels, for the purposes of building deed-restricted community housing on State Land Board property. The Town of Avon is conducting an annexation process of approximately 90 acres of State Land Board property on the eastern boundary of the Town of Avon and eastern boundary of the EagleVail Metropolitan District area. After community outreach and input, a draft of a Three Mile Plan will be presented to Avon Planning and Zoning Commission (November 2024 at the earliest) and Town Council for review and potential adoption through a formal public hearing process. This Three Mile Plan process may identify other properties that are appropriate for potential annexation in the future. All information on this Three Mile Plan update process will be available on the Town of Avon’s website. Questions on the Three Mile Plan process should be directed to Matt Pielsticker, Community Development Director, at Matt@Avon.Org
Chair McGuire stressed the importance of EVMD retaining the 1% commercial tax if business district parcels are annexed into the Town of Avon. He also clarified that once the Three Mile Plan is updated, if business property owners want to annex in, that is not an EVMD decision. Concerns around the size and heights of the community housing buildings were also discussed, with board member Hopkins suggesting that this is a unique area and existing housing zoning does not seem applicable.
Avon Town Manager Eric Heil said if annexation is completed, current leases, zoning and uses will be maintained for the duration of those leases. Relocation of CDOT employees currently on the State Land Board parcel is underway. Heil also stated that Avon has no intent to take EVMD revenue and felt an Intergovernmental Agreement could potentially address the 1% commercial tax staying with the Metro District.
Heil added that the town’s MiCasa program has been extended to EagleVail for down-payment assistance.
Manager Report:
- Fire mitigation efforts featured 65 acres of treatment. Working on 2025 projects and budget therein.
- Pool and courts seeing strong summer activity.
- VVMTA started trail work on the approved EagleVail Trail extension. Communications will be ramped up about the trail work and volunteer opportunities.
- October EVMD board meeting moved to Oct. 24, following the Strat Ops session.
Golf Course & Parks/Recreation:
- In the home stretch of peak season. Par 3 will close Sept. 15; main golf course will close Oct. 6.
- Athletic Field conditions holding up very nicely for all activities.
- Driving range usage continues to be a strong year.
Communications update:
- Monthly enhanced communications tactics include: August Just the Facts (EagleVail’s Partnership with Starting Hearts); board meeting agenda provided in e-blast in advance of meeting; July board meeting recap on eaglevail.org; Enhance Communications Survey is being tabulated.
- Monthly Coffee Chat with a District Board Member and Staff:
o Aug. 21: Betsy, Cindy (from POA board), Steven
o Sept. 18 Teri (to start at 9:30 a.m.)
o Oct. 16: Joanna
o Nov. 20: Lauren
- Re-established committees will commence in September (more communication to come to those who have asked to serve.)
o Meet in Pavilion Office, 4:40-5:30 p.m. with a staff member attending:
▪ Thursday, Sept. 5: Traffic Calming/Safety (Lauren)
▪ Thursday, Sept. 12: Parks & Trails (Joanna)
▪ Wednesday, Sept. 18: Recreational Amenities (Teri, Tim)
▪ Thursday, Sept. 26: Finance (Tim, Betsy)
Finance update:
- YTD revenues doing well with a busy summer season. Revenues trending ahead of budget, and expenses trending lower than budget. Continue to monitor legislative action related to property taxes and will provide an update in September.