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EagleVail News & Updates

EagleVail News & Updates

Updates on two projects currently in the works.

EagleVail News & Updates


We wanted to provide you with a couple updates on two projects in the works. There is a bit of misinformation and some speculation floating around the potential EagleVail Trail extension project and the Hole #9 errant golf ball mitigation project. 


First, the EagleVail Trail extension project is the proposed construction of about a 1.6-mile, non-motorized trail connecting to the existing EagleVail Trail on EagleVail Metro District property and .27 miles on National Forest land. Construction also would include decommissioning .25 miles of social trail. The trail will connect our community with Beaver Creek, providing a safe, alternative access to and from Beaver Creek without having to use the increasingly busy Highway 6 or multi-use hardscape bike path, and removing hikers and bikers from using private property to move to and from Beaver Creek. The Metro District Board supports this project because the trail usage on the west end of our community is not going away, and we see tremendous benefit in redirecting recreationalists from private property to Metro District and Forest Service land. Please reach out to us with further thoughts and questions, or the Forest Service at


Second, the Tee #9 errant golf ball issue is one that has been discussed for a number of years with residents of the Exception Townhomes who have sought our help. We are committed to continuing to help educate golfers and homeowners throughout our entire community to continue to implement successful projects and strategies. While no plan will mitigate 100% of the inherent risks of living on a golf course and in this case, of errant shots due to the close proximity the Exception Townhomes were built to the golf course.  The Metro District understands these challenges and tries to work with homeowner(s) to find solutions.

With regard to Tee #9, we are in the midst of carrying out a sequential process of mitigation that has been heavily discussed and reviewed in many public Metro District Board meetings and communicated on our website. Last fall, we trimmed lower branches on the right-hand side of the tee. An analysis of how many shrubs and trees to be removed to open up the viewing corridor from the tee will be completed this month. To clarify, we sought proposals for this work for a potential of up to 70 trees and shrubs to be removed - final numbers and a delineation of trees vs. shrubs will come in this month, as well as final costs once we know the project scope.


The Metro District Board and the public will receive updates on both of these projects at the April 18th  meeting. We hope to see you there!

Thank you,



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